Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Our Future Nurse in the Family

Time is really running so fast and it seems that it was just yesterday when I am playing with my younger sister. It was way back then when she keep on playing her lovely toys and inviting me for her own Tea set party. It was fun indeed however, things have changed a lot. She's not that kid anymore and she's not getting any younger either. She's currently on her 4th year high school and is graduating this coming March. Next year, she will be going to college and will take the path or career that she wants. She's acting more mature now and I know for sure that she now has a boyfriend though she weren't telling us yet hehehe. Anyway, She mentioned to us before that she is planning to take a nursing course which is really great because we never had a nursing graduate or any health care related professional in our family except for my cousin Abel who is now a certified nurse and is currently working abroad.
Her dream to become a nurse didn't came to us as a surprise because it has always been her passion. She used to pretend that she's our nurse and she keep on reminding us whenever we need to take our medicine. And now, she is about to take it for real, which i know her ultimate dream. I am not really sure what school are she gonna take but I am hoping that it is as great as the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts in California. I have heard of their amazing nursing programs san jose in California and I am dying to know if there is such school in our place too. Anyway, I will offer my full support to my sister and I am wishing her the best of luck.


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